Video Link: https://odysee.com/@TheSexRobotShow:f/Episode1:52d
Runtime: 18:47

Anticipating Future Scenarios for Sex Robots (FUll PDF): https://tinyurl.com/SexRobotStudy

Interview Partcipants (in order of appearance)



Works Cited

Sexual Rights, Disability, and Sex Robots by Ezio Di Nucci for Robot Sex: Social and Ethical Implications

Supernormal Stimuli: How Primal Urges Overran Their Evolutionary Purpose by Dierdre Barrett

Human-Robot Interaction and Sexbots: A Systemic Literature Review by González-González et al. for Sensors

New Materialist Perspectives on Sex Robots, A Feninist Dystopia/Utopia? by Tanja Kubes for Social Sciences

The Cyborg Manifesto by Donna Haraway

Technofetishism of Posthuman Bodies: Representations of Cyborgs, Ghosts and Monsters in Contemporary Japanese Science Fiction Film and Animation by Lan Kuo-Wei (Thesis)

Building Better Sex Robots: Lessons from Feminist Pornography by John Danaher for AI Love You

Featured Articles

Can Sex Robots improve quality of life for elderly, disabled people who don’t have human companionship? by Aditi Murti for The Swaddle

Love dolls and Sex Robots in unproven and unexplored fields of application by Oliver Bendel for Journal of Behavioral Robotics

Sex Robots in Care: Setting the Stage for a Discussion on the Potential Use of Sexual Robot Technologies for Persons with Disabilities by Eduard Fosch-Villaronga and Adam Poulsen for the International Conference on Human-Robot-Interaction


Works Cited

The Redistribution of Sex by Ross Douthat for The New York Times

Uncanny Vulvas by Diana Fleischman for JACOBITE

Sex Dolls and Sex Robots by Nicola Döring for Encyclopedia of Sexuality and Gender

Featured Articles

Incels The Radicalised Extremist Community of White Male Supremacists by Sian Norris for Byline Times

The Story of the Incel Is the Story of the 2010s by Dominique Sisley for VICE

"Incel" Misogynist Wants Government To Pay Women To Date Him by Anna Breslaw for JEZEBEL

Incel Sympathizers Make Case For Redistribution Of Vaginas by Robyn Pernnacchia for Wonkette

No, Incels, No. Stop Trying To Make 'Sexual Marxism' A Thing by Hannah Sole for Punjiba

What every incel needs: a sex robot by Toby Young for The Spectator

Sexual Marxism from Incel Wiki



FOR HER PLEASURE: Is 'Feminist Porn' a contradiction? - France 24
Where sexbots come alive: Tour the RealDoll factory - cnet
The Sex Robots are Coming - Channel 4
Disabled and Seeking Sexual Surrogates - The New York Times

Ghost In the Shell (1995)
Ghost In the Shell: Innocence (2008)


Timestamp Artist Website
5:02 STR4HL artstation.com/strahl89
5:08 Gu Junyi artstation.com/gthun
6:16 u/Bury_She reddit.com/user/Bury_She
6:19 u/Sniple reddit.com/user/Sniple
7:18 AnarchyGentlemen anarchygentleman.newgrounds.com
10:45 Deathburger instagram.com/deathburger
11:44 Joshua Calloway artstation.com/jcalloway
11:46 Joshua Calloway artstation.com/jcalloway
11:49 Deathburger instagram.com/deathburger
17:25 Ryouta Osaka artstation.com/ryoutaotsuka

Note: Much of the content shown in the "Featured Articles" section was used to demonstrate a visual point, often to illustrate the current climate on a topic. As such these articles and headlines may come from non-credible or biased sources, and should not be confused with 'works cited'. For example, many, if not all, of the articles discussing incels are written from a perspective imbued with emotion and personal opinion, and I would never cite a source that has a tagline like "This Week in Garbage Men".